Friday, November 19, 2010

What's Going On?

I've been quiet on my blog lately. I know. Well, there's tons going on.

I'm working with a developer on the new website. (Coming in January 2011) We're finishing concepts for the next series of Iconica game cards. I'm also putting the finishing touches on some pre-order packages we're getting ready for 2011.

We want Phoenix Comicon to be our big event for releasing new content each year. In fact, we've secured a larger booth for 2011 to ensure we have enough space for what's to come!

Also, I'm still working on Iconica Scenario cards, which will be free to download. The balancing on these cards is pretty tough to get down, but it's coming together. I hope to have more news on this very soon.

So, I'm still around. I'm just spending a ton of time on big picture projects and with the holidays coming, travel will be involved too. Ok, back to work.

-Safe travels!