Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Weekly Offworlder

An Introduction to Radia

Unlike our Earth which is energized by the Sun, the world of Rynaga is energized primarily by its own planetary core. This energy is called radia. Radia is stored within stones, crystals and other natural elements found on Rynaga.

Radia is used in crafting tools, weaponry, building materials, ship construction, clothing and even food. Radia can grant a person great power, but as you will see over time through the stories set within Rynaga, this power comes with a price. For now, I'll give you a brief introduction to radia.

There are two main types of radia: positive and negative. Positive radia types are harmless and commonly used in everyday life. Negative radia is rare and harmful. Side effects of exposure include illness, permanent injury and untimely death.

Radia Classifications

Level 1 – (Positive) Common. Consumable. Used in every day living. Abundant. Cheap. Requires no crafting time. Found on the surface of the land.

Level 2 – (Positive) Common. Expensive. Requires minimal crafting time. Provide unique benefits which may be temporary or perpetual.

Level 3 – (Positive/Negative) Uncommon. Very expensive. Requires advanced refinement and crafting time. May have dangerous side effects.

Level 4 – (Negative) Uncommon. Exposure causes injury and shortens lifespan. Priced individually. Requires advanced crafting. Hazardous to use.

Level 5 – (Negative) Rare. Priceless. Mysterious. Most powerful. Found deep underground. Exposure greatly shortens lifespan. Forbidden in most lands.

Where to Find Radia

Water – Some lakes and rivers contain traces of radia depending on the sediment on which they exist. Drinking radia infused water is not recommended due to the potential for dangerous side effects and illnesses.

Soil – In many areas the soil itself is radia rich and is used to grow plants rapidly, cultivate special hybrid plants and create superior forms of glass.

Flora – Some types of flora such as fruits, vegetables, spores, flowers and trees are themselves conductors of radia and as such they may be harmful or healthful to grow and eat.

Clay – Clay deposits may contain radia energies which can be processed to create advanced building materials such cements, tiles and bricks with innate benefits. These clays are also used for pottery and other household goods.

Stones – Stones store radia energy very well. Radia stones may be refined to make building materials and metals. Others can be used to start fires, cool buildings and repel carapid.

Crystals – Crystals are second only to nodes in their potential to hold radia. They are powerful conductors and many negative forms of radia are locked within them. Due to their density, crafting crystals is tedious work.

Nodes – The most potent forms of radia are cut from nodes. These are massive deposits of radia infused crystal and stone which require much work to refine and craft. Many have died from prolonged exposure to radia nodes found underground.

Radia Catalysts

In short, there are thousands of different rocks, stones and crystals on Rynaga which do not contain radia, yet act as catalysts. These catalysts unlock the full potential of various forms of radia. By keeping catalysts in close proximity with their radia counterparts, many different effects can be created. Thus, catalyst materials are socketed into tools and weapons or mixed into building materials and topsoil for crops.

The most important thing to understand about radia is that it is a science which is subject to thousands of variables. Radia has the power to enrich life or destroy life.

Still questions abound. If new forms of radia (and radia catalysts) are discovered regularly, how many different combinations of radia based tools and weaponry can be crafted? One could assume millions. Can a catalyst stone render a harmful form of radia harmless? Yes, this has been proven in rare cases. What happens when a highly refined radia crystal is shattered? The results can be catastrophic.

Due to the mysteries and risks associated with radia, the use of radia based technologies is often feared and avoided. However, this is changing. In fact, those with an advanced knowledge of radia and its effects on people and the environment will hold a distinct advantage in the coming years on Rynaga.

-Safe Travels!

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