Friday, May 27, 2011

Iconica Series 2 Online Sales

Due to limited quantities (we make the game in small batches) and demand at Phoenix Comicon we're delaying the release of Iconica S2 online by several days while we order more stock. We just need to be sure we have enough stock on hand for in-person sales and commitments to local vendors as well.

One of the things we've learned by releasing a new Iconica series all at once (23 new characters) as opposed to two or three cards each month is we need to invest a bit more money/time once we go to press to prepare for all channels of distribution. As an indie publisher, these are some of the things you're just bound to learn as you go!

Thanks for your patience everyone. Series 2 is off to a good start and we're expecting record sales at Phoenix Comicon! If you have thoughts/questions please share.


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